COVID-19 Update: Clinic Open

UPDATED Wednesday 3rd June, 2020

Dear clients,

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are still open and providing 1:1 physiotherapy consultations. Under the current restrictions in Victoria we are permitted to continue to deliver essential healthcare services to our local community. We recognise that pain, injuries, and other physical issues won’t go away during COVID-19, and that we need continue to care for our patients.

We are pleased to announce that our exercise rehabilitation studio is now open again, with limited classes and some changes to operations.

We are maintaining strict hygiene protocols to keep you and our staff as safe as possible. It means some changes to how we operate – and we kindly request your assistance in maintaining a safe environment for all:

  • We have reduced crossover of staffing by reducing our roster and clinic hours
  • We are practicing social distancing – with patients waiting for appointments in their car
  • All staff and clients must use hand sanitiser on arrival and departure
  • We have scheduled regular cleaning of shared areas throughout the day
  • Rooms are disinfected between every appointment
  • Any patient with any signs or symptoms of illness must cancel their appointment and seek medical treatment
  • Anyone who has had direct contact with a confirmed OR suspect COVID-19 case must cancel their appointment and gain medical clearance before attending
  • We will politely and firmly decline entry to anyone that presents to the clinic unwell

We are offering Telehealth services to clients – so you can have a physiotherapy session in the comfort and safety of your own home. All you need is and Internet connection and a smartphone, tablet or computer. We can help with the set up and getting you ready.

We are also offering online virtual yoga classes through our sister studio, leaf and bird wellbeing – so you can explore some great exercise options whilst our exercise rehabilitation studio is closed.

So if you have a physio problem and need treatment, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with us! Or if you need to speak with us about meeting your healthcare needs during this time, give us a call! Ph. 098504437.

****Please remember that if you feel unwell, or have recently been travelling or in direct exposure to someone with suspected/confirmed COVID-19, please DO NOT ATTEND your appointment. Call us and postpone for at least 14 days, as per the current isolation guidelines. Please get clearance from your doctor before you attend an in-person appointment.

**** Please remember to wash your hands well and thoroughly, use hand sanitiser as needed, and continue with healthy behaviours – eating, sleeping and exercising well. If we all take care of ourselves and others well, our whole community will benefit.

And TAKE CARE of yourselves!
The Thompsons Road Physio team.


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