Priority patients & essential service provision during Stage 4 COVID restrictions
According to guidelines from the DHHS and the Australian Physiotherapy Association, during Stage 4 COVID19 restrictions, physiotherapy clinics can continue to provide ESSENTIAL healthcare services. This means that we can provide clinical physiotherapy services to:
  • Patients whose health status (physical or mental) will decline without physiotherapy treatment/input
  • Patients whose functional independence will decline without physiotherapy treatment/input
  • Patients with an acute injury that requires assessment and treatment, that if left untreated will require an escalation in health services (eg. specialist appointment, medications, imaging, further testing) and/or loss of function and decline in health status
  • Patients with ongoing medical conditions under TAC, WorkCover, DVA or other program whose health will decline without physiotherapy input/treatment
Patients who have stable conditions that can be managed independently with exercise and other self care strategies should not attend for appointments at this time, or should consider Telehealth appointments, so as to minimise outings and social contact**.
Please consider the health and safety of our staff and fellow patients when deciding if you need to make an appointment to see our physios.
**If you are not a “priority” patient, please remember this doesn’t mean we don’t care about you. These are rules outside of our control. If you condition changes or you need to check in about your concerns, please call the clinic to speak with reception or your treating physiotherapist to discuss your options. We want to support our patients as best we can through this. It is important you get through this without feeling that your physical of mental health has been adversely affected.


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