“Is your bra holding you up or letting you down?”
Thompsons Road Physiotherapy is pleased to present a free women’s health information night. With special guest Tish Monahan from She Science, the evening will explore why good support is essential for good health. We will cover:
- what makes up a good bra
- how a bra should fit and support you
- how a poorly fitting bra can affect your body and physical health
Tish will provide detailed education with specific products so you can learn what to look for in your current bras or next bra purchase!
This talk is free to all Thompsons Road Physiotherapy patients, family and friends, and is appropriate for anyone who wears a bra!
Light refreshments will be provided.
When: Wednesday 8th March, 6.30-7.30pm
Where: Thompsons Road Physiotherapy
RSVP essential: info@trpphysio.com.au or notify our reception staff in person.