Wellbeing Online Booking Guide

How to book a Wellbeing Class

Wellbeing class bookings can be made online, in person at Thompsons Road Physiotherapy or by calling us on
03 9850 4437.  You can download an illustrated step-by-step guide by clicking on this button:

  1. Select the BOOK ONLINE button.
  2. Select the ANY PRACTITIONER box. 
  3. You are now provided a menu of options. Select the CLASSES tab in the top right corner
  4. Select the Wellbeing Programs option. 
  5. Here you will be able to choose the type of class you would like to attend. Select the green BOOK button on your chosen class. 
  6. Available dates are highlighted with a white circle. Click on the date you want to attend. 
  7. Once a date it selected it changes colour to green and the class time is displayed. Select your chosen time. 
  8. You have the option of booking into multiple classes. 
  9. If you have attended TRP previously then use your unique Online Booking Code for a seamless booking process. If you do not know this, contact us. 

    You can then use the same code for future bookings. 

    If you are a new client, then you will receive your code with your first booking confirmation.  Complete all the registration fields.